Saturday, March 20, 2010


I say pretty a lot! In my previous post, I wrote it 5 times. That is pretty silly! :)

Opihi Picking

WE went opihi picking for the first time and got quite a turn out. They were a little tough, but pretty tasty!!!
Here is Jessie begging for a drink...even though she had her own. You would think I never feed her the way she acts when she sees someone has food or drink. Even if she does not know them, she goes up and starts begging, or helping herself if she can! :)
She can stand really well, but has not got up the nerve to take that first step.
Oops, my eyes are closed. Still a good pic of me and my bestest!
These next couple were just too cute not to post! :)

We took Jessie to the park for the first time on Saturday. As you can see from the pictures, she absolutely loved it!

I love the face she is making in this picture.
Wild hair. I forgot her hat at the beach today, so we had to put sunscreen on her head, her hair was pretty amazing! And look at all those teeth.
Today at the beach she got sunscreen in her eye and so it was red and watering pretty bad. She is also teething, so she is drooling like a hungry dog and has a runny nose. If she was not smiling and having a great time she would have looked pretty pathetic. It was pretty funny.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just some pictures

We went down to south point (the southern most point of the United States), this is a hole in the lava that people jump into, and then there is a tunnel/cave that leads out to the ocean. It made me get butterflies just thinking about jumping in there, but I am definitely going to bring Katie when she comes in April so we can jump in there together. :)
Jessie loves to play with these sound canceling head phones. Phil uses them when he is cutting granite or tile.

It is easier to just let her tear it all apart and then clean up during her nap then to try to keep her away from the shoe rack and dvd's. Plus after she destroys the area in record speed, she usually spends some time playing with it, so that is a good time for me to do other things and only keep one eye on her. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I thought I lived in Hawaii!!!

So last night I turned on the heater in my car for the first time in Hawaii because I was so cold. Then when I got home I took a long HOT shower, and turned on the heater in our bedroom! I am not sure how cold it actually got last night, but right now at 9 am it is 54 degrees outside. Yes I live at 2500 ft. but still, it is Hawaii for crying out loud. I know, I know, those of you on the mainland have had a hard winter, but for my light weight (not literally, unfortunately) self, this is cold, and if you lived in Hawaii, you would agree. I have been in the islands for over 8 years now and I am a total sissy when it comes to cold. Oh and by the way, there is snow on the mountain here!