Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I thought I lived in Hawaii!!!

So last night I turned on the heater in my car for the first time in Hawaii because I was so cold. Then when I got home I took a long HOT shower, and turned on the heater in our bedroom! I am not sure how cold it actually got last night, but right now at 9 am it is 54 degrees outside. Yes I live at 2500 ft. but still, it is Hawaii for crying out loud. I know, I know, those of you on the mainland have had a hard winter, but for my light weight (not literally, unfortunately) self, this is cold, and if you lived in Hawaii, you would agree. I have been in the islands for over 8 years now and I am a total sissy when it comes to cold. Oh and by the way, there is snow on the mountain here!

1 comment:

  1. Well this week it got to the low 50's and i thought it was very warm!!
