Thursday, June 11, 2009

I just can't get enough!

It has been so hot lately that Jessie has not been able to wear any of her warm clothes.  We had a ward potluck at the beach park the other night and there was a cool breeze, so I was excited to put this cute little hoodie and jeans on Jess.  This is also the first time she has worn socks. 

Jessie's favorite time of the day is bath time.  It is also one of my favorite times of the day.  She smells so good.  I then feed her and put her to bed and finally get a few minutes with my wonderful hubby.  


  1. She looks so cute in that outfit. I would never have guessed jeans and a hoodie in Hawaii during the in Alaska it's a given most likely. She is getting bigger! Bath time is a lot of fun huh!!

  2. Such a cutie! She is growing up so fast! Enjoy these moments.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Karen!
    Congratulations on your new little girl...she is a doll!

    So fun to see her wishes,

    Bonnie (Matti's Mom)

  5. i think see likes her baths a lot better when she's at home because she didn't act like she liked them much at my house:)
