Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 1: Recent Picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

1. I have run 2 marathons and would like to get back into running and run more.

2. I do not really like to spend time by myself. I prefer to be with family or friends. I guess I bore myself. Maybe I should work on this.

3. I am proud of my passport which includes stamps from Peru, Chile, Argentina, Thailand, Nepal, India, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Greece. I would really like to add more stamps!

4. I have never dyed or highlighted my hair, and I do not plan to until I am more gray that red.

5. I enjoy decorating, but I really am not very good at it, so I either do not even try, or I scrap the project once it is done because I do not like it. I do enjoy the process though.

6. When I was in high school I wanted to be a cardiologist. I still think it would be awesome, but not conducive to raising a family which I want even more.

7. I love vinegar. Vinegar on pretty much anything is great, and sometimes, I will just take a swig of vinegar because I like it!

8. I am a Pittsburgh Steelers fan!

9. We really do not have many pictures of me because I am usually the one behind the camera.

10. I LOVE to cook and I am pretty good at it. Unfortunately the way I like to cook is kind of expensive.

11. I have all my future childrens' names picked out and have had them picked out for quite some time. :)

12. I love being pregnant! Everything about it; they way i look, the way I feel (most of the time) the whole labor and delivery. I loved it and my husband often told me to stop rubbing my belly.

13. I hate to clean. When I do clean, I am way too thorough, and it takes me about 2 hours just to clean a bathroom. That is probably why I hate it.

14. I love all food. Really there are only a couple of things that I have tried that I do not care for...olives (although i will eat them) and liver (which i will not eat...i can not even stand the smell of it,)

15. I had a pretty hard time thinking of 15 interesting a matter of fact, I think that the interesting part is debatable.


  1. I found them interesting. Vinegar????!!!! Are you kidding me???

  2. FUN!! I can't believe how much Jessie is growing up!! She's darling!!
